
Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H'ers Experience Presidential Inauguration

    Ohio.  A total of 97 people from 18 counties represented Ohio 4-H on the trip. Generous sponsors helped ...

  2. Report Shows How to Say Goodbye to Harmful Algal Blooms

    a drop of this magnitude would keep algal blooms at safe levels for people and the lake. “With aggressive ...

  3. Good Reading: New and Revised Fact Sheets on Ohioline

    Family and Consumer Sciences Fact Sheets). Fruits and Vegetables Are a Convenience for Busy People ...

  4. Farmers, Consultants Needed for Major Initiative to Update Fertilizer Guidelines

    but now people are looking at it more seriously,” he said. Applying gypsum to soil is one way to ...

  5. How Good Nutrition Can Combat Effects of Lead in Water

    potatoes, sweet potatoes and other fruits and vegetables. “Basically, what I tell people is to follow ...

  6. You Can Help Secrest Arboretum Touch More People

    Do your memories of Secrest Arboretum include rambling through it as a student or taking the grandkids to play on the slide? Maybe you were on campus after the tornado went through in 2010 changing the landscape forever. Or you have you not been yet, and ...

  7. The Glass Castle: ATI Programming Page

    college, Jeannette is singled out by a professor for not understanding the plight of homeless people ...

  8. New Books and More

    Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne, 1939- An indigenous peoples' history of the United States  F68.G73 2014 Gragg, Rod ...

  9. Ohio 4-H News and Notes

    higher rates, and enroll in postsecondary programs more often when compared to young people who are not ...

  10. Campus Campaign 2014 Wrap-Up

    to work with some really great people! I am also an ambassador for the Campus Campaign. The amount ...
