
Search results

  1. Rural-Urban Issues and Research Needs

    People at the interface between rural and urban places are increasingly at odds over how resources ...

  2. Central Ohio Sierra Club Volunteer Orientation Program

    a volunteer based organization, without people like you, exploring, enjoying and protecting the environment ...

  3. Ohio State Researchers Will Study How Food, Energy and Water Systems in the Great Lakes Region Could Be Impacted by Deglobalization

    Themes The Discovery Themes initiative is a $500 million investment in the people and resources needed to ...

  4. As AEDE Undergrad Danielle Matthews Attests, a World of Opportunity Awaits You at Ohio State

    people on this trip. It is amazing how similar our countries are, but at the same time how different due ... 2050. There are going to be nine billion people to feed by then and if I can help five farmers make ... yields higher than they have before, then in turn I’m helping to feed people in another country. It may ...

  5. March 1 Conference for Ohio Natural Resource Professionals

    a disease that kills trees could actually help forests, and what’s really going on when people and wildlife ...

  6. September is Food Safety Month

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. Annually, some 48 million people get foodborne ...

  7. Moving People with Ideas: Innovation, Inter-regional Mobility and Firm Heterogeneity

    Moving People with Ideas: Innovation, Inter-regional Mobility and Firm Heterogeneity."  Abstract: ...

  8. Kathleen Rose Graduate Defense Seminar

    time, the number of people living in fire prone ecosystems has increased dramatically, placing more ... people and private property at risk from future fire events.  Prescribed fires are important ecosystem ...

  9. National Perspectives-Maps

    areas (typically at least 1,000 people per square mile) with a population of at least 50,000 people ... according to the following categorization: Density Class Settlement Type People/sq mi acres/household* Very ... and J.E. Dobson. (2002). LandScan: Locating. people is what matters. GeoInformatics 5(2), 34-37. ...

  10. 50th Anniversary Marks- Email Signature

    APRIL 17TH: Not everyone's computers and email will adjust the mark correctly.  Some people will be ...
