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  1. 9 Tips for Keeping a Christmas Tree Fresh, 4 Trees You Should Know

    a statewide educational effort aimed at helping people take care of trees, forests and wildlife. The college’s ...

  2. CD Wire- May 29, 2013

    Wilson, Director, Alber Enterprise Center, OSU Marion Partners: Stephanie Jolliff, Ridgemont Schools ...

  3. CD Wire- August 8, 2016

    method (People, Objectives, Strategy, and Technology). Our ‘O, S, and T’ depends on the targeted ... rest of the world involve urban people and places. Extension professionals across the nation are ... producers, university representatives, nonprofit group interests, Extension and NRCS people, other government ...

  4. CD Wire- August 22, 2016

    environment and for people, but the proliferation of such claims is making it challenging for the ... use the grants to encourage young people and their parents to try sustainable practices and see ...

  5. $3+ Million NIH Grant Funds Earth Scientist's Work on Medical Implants

    bacterial infections, and support his quest to find ways to prevent this.   The first question people ...

  6. CD Wire- May 28, 2014

    people who have more recently gotten into the business of ‘StrengthsFinder’ among other things). In ... information, including speaker bios and registration, visit: People, Climate Change and Lake ... Erie Webinar- June 24: This free webinar on  People, Climate Change and Lake Erie  will be held on ...

  7. Farmers, Consultants Needed for Major Initiative to Update Fertilizer Guidelines

    interesting because we never had to think or worry about sulfur in the soil before, but now people are looking ...

  8. You Can Help Secrest Arboretum Touch More People

    Do your memories of Secrest Arboretum include rambling through it as a student or taking the grandkids to play on the slide? Maybe you were on campus after the tornado went through in 2010 changing the landscape forever. Or you have you not been yet, and ...

  9. Economic Impact of Avian Influenza

    Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers the risk to people from these HPAI H5 infections to be low. ...

  10. CD Wire- May 27, 2014

    for me was an afternoon field trip to the world headquarters of Gallup (the longtime ‘polling’ people ... including speaker bios and registration, visit: People, Climate Change and Lake Erie Webinar- ... June 24: This free webinar on People, Climate Change and Lake Erie will be held on Tuesday, June 24, ...
