
Search results

  1. Properly Manage Invasive Plant Species at Farm Science Review

    Tartarian. "The flowers really grab people and they say, ‘Oh, how pretty. I would love to have that in ... originally introduced as a cooking herb but it can now be found prolifically throughout Ohio. "People ...

  2. Dragons Can Fly

    bite or sting and they do not sew people’s eyes or lips shut at night.  They are wonderful mosquito ...

  3. Managing Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle Focus of OSU-Hosted Meetings

    dry place to over-winter. "We've gotten information from people saying that they get ... a good bio-control agent, but I don't think most people realized how much the insects like to use ...

  4. Ohio State’s Newest Major: Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS), Kicks Off the Semester – Hear from Two Students Why They Chose to Study Sustainability at Ohio State

    with the goal of sharing sustainable themes with people – Kueller notes that she “loves the facts and ...

  5. AEDE Profiles: Jack Willoughby

    simplicity of methodology is important when trying to convince people, like a budget committee, to agree with ...

  6. Bat Disease Could Cost Ohio Farmers Up to $1.7B a Year

    /White-nose-Syndrome-Detected-in-Ohio.aspx. Details on ways people can help bats are in this press ...

  7. Higher Fuel Prices To Impact Some Farmers More Than Others

    fuel prices is that they are the last people on the list,” Shoemaker said. “Everybody passes the extra ...

  8. Parenting Classes for 'Captive' Audience Have Multiple Benefits

    consumer sciences educator for Ohio State University Extension. "A lot of people are brought up in ...

  9. Hot, dry season putting damper on corn yield potential

    forecast, to be brutally honest, is not promising," he said. "Some people will talk about maturity ...

  10. Analysis: Ohio’s School Choice Programs Growing, Deserve Public’s Attention

    bonds, could gain appeal, Rembert said.    “To have good public discourse, people need to be informed ...
