
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Chewing the cud on grass-fed beef (for 3/28/10)

    over other options. Most people link beef with saturated fat, but all beef actually has a mixture of ...

  2. Chow Line: Calcium difficult for body to absorb (for 5/25/08)

    isn't easily absorbed by the body to begin with. In fact, nutritionists estimate that most people absorb ...

  3. Hazard Analysis Revisited

    order to identify microbiological hazards that must be addressed in your HACCP plan. Some people have ...

  4. 2000 Seed Grants

    specific to their community. A pilot program provided additional training for these key people to build ...

  5. 2001 Seed Grants

    particularly important for people with disabilities because it "breaks down these barriers of isolation ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-18

    of people with hoes is probably the most effective option.  Or at least cut the top of the plants off ..., and include the number of people in your group.  Payment can be via cash or check the day of the ...

  7. Communiqué January 8, 2014

    the number of top-notch people we have in Extension – especially some of our new hires. We had ... with this group again this year. A number of people are rotating off the advisory committee this year. ... Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people better understand themselves and others. In our ...

  8. Communiqué June 6, 2012

    people who lived in the neighborhood.  I observed her confident manner as we interacted with other ...

  9. Teen Driver Safety Education Program

    and appreciate the life altering experiences of people who have been ticketed for operating a vehicle ...

  10. Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative Update: Project Cultivates Tanzanian Agricultural Expertise for Future

    technical people to Tanzania to provide assistance in the agricultural sector, building their capacity to do ...
